Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One step forward, one step back...

It is the morning after the most historic election in American history. I rejoice with my nation for its' selection of the first non-white President-elect but I am ashamed of my state for its' narrow approval of bigotry and hatred. Barack Obama will be our next President, but California gays and lesbians have been relegated to second-class citizenship by the forces of ignorance.

Barack Obama won the Presidential election by over 7 million popular votes and smashed John McCain in the Electoral College 349-173 (North Carolina is STILL too close to call), exceeding the expectations of everyone except the folks at whose last prediction was 348.6-189.4! Senator McCain showed all the class that his campaign never did in his concession and President-elect Obama (Doesn't that sound COOL?) gave an acceptance speech that gave me chills. I think the best picture of the night was Rev. Jesse Jackson, without shame or embarrassment, openly crying for joy when the election was called. Calling yesterday historic is the understatement of the century.

My joy was tempered with sorrow when the results for Proposition 8 were released in California. With nearly 10 million ballots counted, the forces of bigotry, hatred and intolerance outnumbered the side of equality for all by just over 420,000 votes. The news here is reporting plans that the "Yes on 8" people are going to go to the courts to have the thousands of perfectly legal same-sex marriages performed in the fleeting moment of equality in California ANNULLED! Not satisfied with successfully gaining legal cachet for marital apartheid, the scared and ignorant want to re-write the past that doesn't fit into their world view. This issue has moved me back to disgusted.

The message that I draw from all this is that while we have, for the most part, moved beyond race as a nation there is still bigotry to be fought in America. We will only be a nation of equals when no one group's fears and hatreds are manifest in our laws. We took a step yesterday, but we aren't there yet.

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